PEACE Toastmasters

PEACE! Toastmasters is a unique Toastmasters Club that was founded with seed
money from the Democratic Women of DuPage County to create a forum for local
Democrats to develop the speaking and leadership skills they need to successfully
communicate ideas and issues to their families, friends, and neighbors. The name
PEACE! is an acronym for Progressive Enthusiasts Articulating and Communicating
Eloquently and was chosen as an alternative to the Toastmasters Club WAR (We are
Republicans). Whether you aspire to be a candidate, support a candidate, or just want
to have productive conversations with Uncle John at holiday dinners, PEACE! is the
place for you!
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public
speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Headquartered in
Englewood, Colo., the organization's membership exceeds 358,000 in more than
16,800 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped
people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators,
and leaders.
Our meetings consist of three main activities:
1. Table Topics (1-2 minute impromptu speeches)
2. Prepared Speeches (we usually schedule 3-4 speeches, which are prepared in
advance and timed)
3. Speech Evaluations (each prepared speech is evaluated by another club
member in a 2-3 minute speech)
Generally, the prepared speeches follow the Pathways program. The Toastmasters
Pathways learning experience is an exciting, flexible and interactive way to develop
your skills and help others in your club develop theirs. Pathways helps you learn
communication and leadership skills that you need to succeed. It gives you:
1. 11 specialized learning paths to choose from that build 300 different
2. Online content, so that you can learn anytime, anywhere
3. Real-world, transferable skills
Visitors are welcome at any time. Membership in the club is $55 every six months.
For more information, contact Kim Savage, kimsavage@gmail.com or Pradnya
Parulekar, kuloorp2000@yahoo.com.